Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst? Dubai is the most ethnically… (2024)

Anand Chembeti

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Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically diverse place one can ever live in, a true champion of multiculturalism. So, how does Dubai get it so right while the UK and other Western countries seem to struggle?First, Dubai has created a culture where good behavior towards all is a high expectation. Second, it actively celebrates diversity—nationality, religion, and culture. One of the first questions you’ll be asked in Dubai is, "Where are you from?" And third, Dubai protects the identity, culture, and economic standing of its own citizens. While the city has welcomed foreigners who now outnumber its citizens, being able to buy property, own a business, get married, have children, or retire doesn’t automatically grant you citizenship.With its population expected to surpass 5 million by 2030, with over 85% being foreigners, Dubai's economy will likely continue growing faster than most Western economies, benefiting both foreign residents and its own citizens.Though it's said that "birds of a feather flock together," Dubai shows us that working together can be successful when identity and origin are celebrated, not erased. Yes, the government prioritizes its citizens, but isn’t that the primary responsibility of any government? Perhaps this is the path India should have taken to set its priorities straight at the dawn of independence. But our tryst with destiny remains just that—a tryst. Still, isn't it better late than never?



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  • Anand Chembeti

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    One might read #Vedas/#Ramayana/#Mahabharata/#BhagavadGita 'n' number of times.Does a copying machine become Rama/Siva bhakt by printing their names 1 crore times?To understand the real intent of a book one can take one of the two important ways.One, learn it under a Guru with a lineage whose tradition has learned it properly and tried to follow the book.Two, when the above is not possible - humbly and reverentially pray to the author of the book to guide oneself in understanding the real meaning of the book.In the case of Vedas, either Gayatri Mata, or the specific Rshi. In the case of Ramayana - Adikavi Valmiki; Veda Vyasa for Mahabharata and Lord Krsna for Bhagavad Gita.Just because, one thinks he is above a nation....he can't get at the real meaning hidden in the particular book.


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  • Anand Chembeti

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    The origin of childhood game "Bigger and Better," where kids swap small items for something bigger or more valuable, is not exactly clear but in Andhra Pradesh we have known this at least from many generations or even centuries. Here's the Telugu version తోక పోయి కత్తి వచ్చె ఢాం ఢాం ఢాంకత్తి పోయి కట్టె వచ్చె ఢాం ఢాం ఢాంకట్టె పోయి దోసె వచ్చె ఢాం ఢాం ఢాందోసె పోయి డోలు వచ్చె ఢాం ఢాం ఢాంఢాం ఢాం ఢాం ఢాం ఢాం ఢాంఈ పాట వెనక ఒక కథ ఉంది. ఒక కోతి పనీ పాటా లేక కోతిపనులు చేస్తుంటే దాని తోకలో ఒక ముల్లు దిగిందిట. అది ముల్లు గుచ్చుకున్నబాధతో ఉండగా దాని బాధ చూసి, పాపం తలిచి, దారిన పోతున్న ఒకమంగలి ముల్లుని తన దగ్గర ఉన్న కత్తితో తీయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాడుట.అలా ప్రయత్నిస్తుంటే కోతి కదలడంతో దురదృష్టవశాత్తు కోతి తోక కాస్తాతెగిపోయిందిట. అది ఆ మంగలిని నా తోకని నాకిస్తావా లేదా అనినిలదీసిందిట. పాపం అతను ఏమి చేయడానికీ పాలుబోక చివరికి తనఏకైక సొత్తైన కత్తిని దానికి అప్పజెప్పి తన దారిన వెళ్ళాడుట.ఆ కోతి ఆ కత్తిని పట్టుకుని దారిన పోతుంటే ఒక కట్టెలు కొట్టేవాడు తనకట్టెల మోపుతో వెళుతూ, కర్మ కాలి ఆ కోతి దగ్గర్నుంచి ఆ కత్తిని దేనికోఅరువు తీసుకుని, దాన్ని కాస్తా నిష్కారణంగా విరగగొట్టేశాడుట. దానితోకోతికి తిక్క రేగి, నా కత్తినిస్తావా చస్తావా అని ఒంటి కాలు మీదానిలుచుందిట. ఇక చేసేదేమీ లేక కట్టెలు కొట్టేవాడు, తన దగ్గర ఉన్నకట్టెల మోపునుఆస్తా ఆ కోతి పరం చేసి వెళ్ళాడుట.ఆ కట్టెలు తీసుకుని మన కోతి ఆ దారినే పోతుంటే, అక్కడ ఒక దోసెలువేసిఅమ్ముకునే ముసలావిడ ఒకామె కనిపించిందిట. ఆవిడ దగ్గర పొయ్యిలోకికట్టెలు కరువయ్యాయిట. కోతి దగ్గర మోపు చూసి, నీ కట్టెలు నాకిస్తావాఅని అడిగిందిట. కోతి సంగతి వేరే చెప్పాలా? దానిది అసలే చాలా విశాలహృదయము కదా? వెంటనే సరెనని మోపు కాస్త ముసలావిడకిఅర్పించుకుందిట. ఆవిడ గబగబా ఉన్న కట్టెలన్నిటినీ కరువో కాలమో అన్నట్లు పొయ్యిలో పెట్టి పెనం మీద ఒకటి తర్వాత ఒకటి పెద్ద దొంతరదోసెలు వేసిందిట. మన కోతి నిదనమే ప్రధానమి తెలిసినది కాబట్టికట్టెలన్నీ పూర్తిగా కాలేదాకా వేచి ఉండి, అవి పూర్తిగా మసి అయ్యాయన్ననిర్ధారణకి వచ్చిన తర్వాత, ముసలావిడ పీక పట్టుకుని, నాకట్టెలిస్తావా లేక నీ దోసెలిస్తావా అని మొరాయించిందిట. ఇక ముసాలావిడచేసేదేమీ లేక ఆ దొంతరకు దొంతర దోసెలుకాస్తా ఆ మర్కటేశ్వరుడికినైవేద్యం పెట్టిందిట.ఆ దోసెలు పుచ్చుకుని మళ్ళీ ఆ కోతి దారి పట్టిందిట. అక్కడ ఒక డోలువాయించే ఒకతను తన డోలుతో ఆకలితో కనిపించాడుట. కోతి దగ్గరదోసెలు చూసి, వాటిలో కొన్నింటిమి నాకిస్తావా అని అడిగాడుట. మరి కోతేంచేస్తుంది, తీసుకో బాబూ అని వాటిని కాస్తా ఇచ్చేసిందిట. వాటినివిద్వాంసులుంగారు పలహారం చేసి, ఆకలి తీరిందిలెమ్మని మురిసిపోతుంటే,కోతి నా దోసెలిస్తావా నీ డోలు ఇస్తావా అని కూర్చుందిట.దానితో వాదించిప్రయోజనం లేదని తెలుసుకున్న విద్వాంసుడు తన డోలుని ఆ కోతికర్పించితన దారిన తాను చక్కా పోయాడుట. అప్పుడు ఆ కోతి ఆ డోలు పట్టుకుని ఢాంఢాం ఢాం అని వాయిస్తూ పై పాటని పాడిందిట.కథ కంచికి, మనం రసవత్తర విద్యా వ్యవస్థ పునరావలోకనానికీ.Source: పామర్తి సత్యనారాయణ(Images created with windows clip art – any copyright violations are unintentional and image will be removed if you let me know.)

    • Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically… (7)



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  • Anand Chembeti

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    Gemini's limitations in video processing I have attached Gemini's response to a prompt inspired by Kyle McDonald's post on X.So, to summarize:Gemini processes videos by analyzing individual frames.It samples frames at a rate of once per second.For a standard 30fps video, this means processing every 15th frame (15th, 45th, 75th, etc.).Your experiment:By strategically placing "hello" and "world" on these specific frames and randomizing the rest, you've effectively manipulated Gemini's perception of the video content. This is a fascinating discovery about a potential limitation in Gemini's video analysis capabilities.Potential Implications and Further ExplorationThis finding raises interesting questions:Accuracy of video analysis: If Gemini is only processing a fraction of the frames, how accurate can its analysis truly be?Vulnerability to manipulation: Could this limitation be exploited to create misleading or deceptive videos?Improvement opportunities: How can #Gemini's video processing be enhanced to capture more information from each video?Would you like to explore any of these points further, or do you have other ideas for testing Gemini's video processing capabilities?What's the value addition from my side?I ran the experiment with #ChatGPT and found a similar limitation.



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  • Anand Chembeti

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    Economists need innovationsHere is a story about Kyle MacDonald, a Canadian blogger, who became famous for trading a single red paperclip 📎 up to a house 🏡 through a series of barters. Here are more details:How it Started:In July 2005, Kyle MacDonald, inspired by the concept of bartering, decided to see if he could trade a simple red paperclip 📎 for something bigger. He posted an ad on Craigslist, and from there, his journey began.The Trades:Here’s a summary of his trades:1. Red Paperclip 📎 → Fish-shaped Pen 🖊️ (traded with a woman in Vancouver)2. Fish-shaped Pen 🖊️ → Handmade Doorknob 🚪3. Handmade Doorknob 🚪 → Coleman Camp Stove 🔥4. Coleman Camp Stove 🔥 → Honda Generator ⚡5. Honda Generator ⚡ → Instant Party 🎉 (keg of beer 🍺, neon sign 💡, IOU for keg refills)6. Instant Party 🎉 → Snowmobile 🛷7. Snowmobile 🛷 → Trip to Yahk, British Columbia 🏞️8. Trip to Yahk 🏞️ → Box Truck 🚚9. Box Truck 🚚 → Recording Contract 🎵10. Recording Contract 🎵 → Year's Rent in Phoenix, Arizona 🏙️11. Year's Rent 🏙️ → Afternoon with Alice Cooper 🎸12. Afternoon with Alice Cooper 🎸 → KISS Motorized Snow Globe ❄️13. KISS Snow Globe ❄️ → Role in a Movie 🎬14. Movie Role 🎬 → Two-story House 🏡 in Kipling, Saskatchewan#The_Final_Outcome:On July 12, 2006, exactly one year after his first trade, MacDonald completed his final trade for a house 🏡 in Kipling, Saskatchewan. The town of Kipling even held a contest to cast someone for the movie role 🎥 that was traded for the house 🏠.#Significance:MacDonald’s story became a symbol of how unconventional thinking 💡 and resourcefulness can lead to surprising opportunities. It also highlighted the potential of bartering 🤝 and how, in a world driven by money 💵, alternative forms of exchange can still yield significant results.Although this wasn’t a loophole in the economy in a legal sense, it demonstrated how leveraging creativity 🎨 and social connections 🌐 can open unexpected doors.PSI am not suggesting this is how Economists should solve economic problems but my view is that we have gone through enough iterations of Keynesian and Adam Smithsonian economics and it's time we come out of those cycles.

    • Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically… (14)


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  • Anand Chembeti

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    Even a lucky charm isn't always lucky. 🍀 Who carries it, how they believe in it, and when they use it can all shape its power. ✨🔮 Even luck has its own quirks! #Luck #Belief #Serendipity



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  • Anand Chembeti

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    Gandhi about KrishnaWhat is your takeaway from the below ? My Krishna has nothing to do with any historical person. I would refuse to bow my head to the Krishna who would kill because his pride is hurt, or the Krishna whom 'non-Hindus portray as a dissolute youth. I believe in Krishna of my imagination as a perfect incarnation, spotless in every sense of the word, the inspirer of the Gita and the inspirer of the lives of millions of human beings. But if it was proved to me that the Mahabharata is history in the same sense that modern historical books are, that every word of the Mahabharata is authentic and that the Krishna of the Mahabharata actually did some of the acts attributed to him, even at the risk of being banished from the Hindu fold, I should not hesitate to reject that Krishna as God incarnate. But to me, the Mahabharata is a profoundly religious book, largely allegorical, in no way meant to be a historical record. It is the description of the eternal duel going on within ourselves, given so vividly as to make us think for the time being, that the deeds described therein were actually done by the human beings. Nor do I regard the Mahabharata as we have it now as a faultless copy of the original. On the contrary I consider that it has undergone many emendations.Reference: Written by Gandhi in Young India, 1-10-'25, p. 336PROJECT SHIVOHAMWhat do you think of Gandhi's understanding of Krishna?To understand has to be a bhakt or at least do real svaadhya on Krishna. MKG's consciousness on #Krishna never grew properly after he left the shores of India. His understanding of #Rama and even #Bharata_Mata is pretty shallow. To understand the real Bharata Mata one has to study #Bankim_Chandra and #Sri_Kavya_Kantha_Ganapati_Muni.If there has ever been one with a bloated ego bigger than a nation then that discredit goes to #MKG.

    • Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically… (20)



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  • Anand Chembeti

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    అడిగి అడగలేక నిన్నడిగా ఆశగా అలుసుగా తీసుకోకు ఆశనే తుంచమాకుఅదిరే అధరం వర్షించే నయనం హృదయం నీది గమనం నాది శ్రీకాళహస్తి వారే నాకు స్ఫూర్తి శివుడే నాకు ఆస్తి అతడే నాకు గస్తీ నీవిస్తే గరళం శాసిస్తే మరణం నీ ధ్యాసే నిధి ధ్యాస అదే నా అమరత్వం

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  • Anand Chembeti

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    Good Night Dear Linkies Tu mile dil khileI got heart beats for you



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  • Anand Chembeti

    ♡Tech - Big Data, AI, Healthcare| ☆Research/Consulting- Business/Market|2M+ Views

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    Even a fair coin toss isn't always fair. 🤔 Who flips it, how it's flipped, and the surface it lands on can all tip the odds. 🍀⚖️ Even randomness has its quirks! #CoinToss #Probability #LifeIsRandom



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Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically… (32)

Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?Dubai is the most ethnically… (33)


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Anand Chembeti on LinkedIn: Is our tryst with destiny still a tryst?

Dubai is the most ethnically… (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.