Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score AS Calculation 2025 Guide - South Africa Portal (2024)

Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score 2025 | How to calculate your AS and requirements needed.

The management of the Nelson Mandela University (NMU) has released the new APS calaculation system and course requirements needed by the new Nelson Mandela University admission point score (APS) calculator called Applicant Score (AS) system.

If you are still searching the web or asking people about Nelson Mandela University AS calculator, how to calculate your admission scores, grades or points using NMU AS calculator? Don’t worry, In this post, you will get the full details about Nelson Mandela University APS calculator, what you need to know about NMU AS, how is AS calculated at NMU, what AS stands for, how to calculate scores, grades or points using AS calculator and lot more. You will download the details in pdf here for free.

See Also:

Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score Calculation Guide | How to Calculate Your AS.

It is important every student needs to know how to calculate their admission scores, grades or points using AS calculator NMU.

It is vital that some South Africa university students, especially Freshers, want to study and learn more about APS calculator and to also make up the cumulative at the end of every session. Doing this will help you evaluate your academic performance from time to time.

What is AS Calculator?

  • It is a simple and easy-to-use calculator that helps you figure out what your Admission Points Score is.

What does AS stand for?

  • AS stands for Applicant Score. In South Africa, universities use APS points as one of the tools to see if an applicant qualifies for a specific course. You can work out your AS using your final Matric results.

Nelson Mandela University Admission Calculation New System

A new admission process for prospective students to Nelson Mandela University was introduced in 2019. Our University no longer works with the Admission Point Score (APS) method.

The new method, includes a number of changes. It is called the Applicant Score (AS) and it is important that you take note of the information below when you apply to study at Mandela University.

See also Taletso TVET College APS Calculator 2024/2025


How to apply?

  • Complete an application form online – applications open in April;
  • Ensure that you meet the minimum Applicant Score (AS) and subject requirements before submitting your completed application form;
  • EnsureALLyour supporting documentation has been submitted;

How to Calculate Your Applicant Score (AS)

  • First look-up theApplicant Score (AS)for the qualification you are applying for – also note any required subjects.
  • Your Applicant Score (AS) will be different if you took Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy or Technical Mathematics at school.
  • Your Applicant Score (AS) is calculated usingsixsubjects. Please note that Life Orientation (LO) is excluded.
  • Write down your Grade 12 subjects and the most recent percentage (%) obtained in each subject (NOGr 12 March results).
  • YouMUSTinclude the results for the followingthree compulsory subjects:1)Home language;2)1stAdd. Language; and 3) Maths;orMaths Lit;orTechnical Maths.
  • For applicants with seven Grade 12 NSC subjects, your AS is calculated by adding the percentages for your six 20-credit subjects (Notethat the Life Orientation percentage is not included as it is a 10-credit subject). This gives a score out of 600.
  • For those applicants takingeight or more subjectsyour AS is calculated as follows: add the percentages obtained for the three compulsory subjects (the two languages and Mathematics, Technical Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy), plus the percentage(s) for any subject(s) required by the programme, together with the percentage(s) for the next best / highest subject(s), to a maximum of six subjects.
  • In addition, for those applicants from quintile 1 to 3 schools who attain 50% or higher for Life Orientation, 7 additional points are added to their score out of 600 to arrive at their final AS.
  • Compare your AS & subject requirements to the minimum needed for the qualification you want to apply for.
  • If your Applicant Score (AS) & subject requirements are below the minimum required, you will need to consider another qualification for which you do qualify.
See also Nelson Mandela University Vacancies 2025 | Apply Now!

The table below provides an example of how to calculate the AS for:

  • An applicantwho has 7 NSC/IEB Grade 12 subjects:
NSC Subjects% obtained% used to calculate the AS
isiXhosa (Home Language)7878
English (1st Add. Language)6060
Life Sciences6565
Life Orientation85
Business Studies8585
Applicant Score (AS):420

Requirements for our courses using the Applicant Score (AS)

All the courses we offer are listed in our handycourse guide (Z-Card)under their study fields from A to Z. You can also find additional information in ourUndergraduate Guidefor prospective students.

Equivalency Conversion Table to enable Percentages to be obtained from which an Applicant Score (AS) can be calculated

International/Foreign/NCV level 4 & senior certificate equivalency conversion table

  • South African and International applicants with International, NC(V) level 4 or Foreign School-Leaving certificates, should use the table below to calculate an equivalent Applicant Score (AS) for admission, based on percentages obtained in such certificates.
  • Applicants with international or foreign qualifications must also satisfy the requirements laid down by the Matriculation Board to qualify for a certificate of exemption for a particular international or foreign school-leaving qualification. Applications for such certificates must be made to the Matriculation board directly:
  • Applicants will have to comply with the minimum Applicant Score (AS) set for the UG qualification they wish to apply for, as well as meet any other additional subject requirements directly.
  • To calculate your Applicant Score (AS) use the symbols/achievement rating/percentages obtained in your school-leaving examinations to convert them to an equivalent achievement standard on the National Senior Certificate (NSC).

Your AS is calculated using six subjects, which must include the language(s) and subjects required for admission but excluding LO.

* It is recommended that the the midpoint of the NSC percentage range be used when calculating the AS, as the results of the above qualifications (excluding the NCV Fundamentals) are reported as either a symbol or numeric value. The range ofSubject %exceeds the 100% mark to allow for inclusion of the A Level and IB HL as both qualifications are considered to be at a higher level than the NSC.

See also Tshwane North TVET College APS Calculator 2024/2025

**As the Fundamental subjects are considered to be at the same level as the NSC, use the actual percentage obtained by the applicant for Language and Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy. For the four Vocational Subjects use the values in the relevant column of the table above.

***A symbol 4 obtained for a NSSC Higher Level / HIGCSE subject is regarded as a pass mark in the equivalent Ordinary or IGCSE level subject except for a First Language subject which becomes a 2ndlanguage pass if another language is also passed(From:


NSCNational Senior CertificateO-LevelOrdinary Level
Senior Cert HGSenior Certificate Higher GradeASAdvanced Subsidiary
Senior Cert SGSenior Certificate Standard GradeA-LevelAdvanced level
HIGCSEHigher International Graduate Certificate of Secondary EducationIB HLInternational Baccalaureate Schools (Higher Levels)
IGCSEInternational Graduate Certificate of Secondary EducationIB SLInternational Baccalaureate Schools (Standard Levels)
NSSC HLNamibian Senior Secondary Certificate Higher LevelsKCSEKenyan Certificate of Secondary Education
NSSC OLNamibian Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary LevelsNC(V)4National Certificate Vocational Level 4

Details of Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score Calculation PDF Download

The Nelson Mandela University applicant score calculation guidelines can be downloaded and printed or accessed online below in PDF format below for free.

Follow the link below to download Nelson Mandela University applicant score detailsin Portable Document Format (.PDF).

(Note: You will, however, need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to download/access theprintable/offline version of Nelson Mandela University applicant score details to your Computer or Mobile Phone).

Files you can download

Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score AS Calculation 2025 Guide - South Africa Portal (2)Undergraduate Guide(3.3 MB)
Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score AS Calculation 2025 Guide - South Africa Portal (3)Course Catalogue (Z-Card)


Nelson Mandela University Applicant Score AS Calculation 2025 Guide - South Africa Portal (2024)


How to calculate applicant score at NMU? ›

How is your applicant score calculated?
  1. Your Applicant Score (AS) is calculated by adding the six best subjects, excluding Life Orientation (LO)
  2. Write down your subjects and the most recent percentage (%) obtained in each subject (NO Gr 12 March results).

What is the admission score for Nelson Mandela University? ›

Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met. An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 350. An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant Score of 365.

How is admission point score calculated in South Africa? ›

Next, take a look at the points system below to help work out your score.
  1. 80% – 100% = 7 points.
  2. 70% – 79% = 6 points.
  3. 60% – 69% = 5 points.
  4. 50% – 59% = 4 points.
  5. 40% – 49% = 3 points.
  6. 30% – 39% = 2 points.
  7. 0% – 29% = 1 point.

What is the pass mark for NMU? ›

In the examination a sub-minimum performance (examination mark) of 40% must be achieved to pass the module. (Refer to the NMU Prospectus - Assessment). The overall pass mark for each module is 50%.

How to calculate Pearson score? ›

The Pearson correlation can be calculated by finding the sum of products of the X and Y variables and then comparing this value to the squared deviation scores of your variables.

What is a application score? ›

Application Scores are a type of score used by lenders to help them accept suitable customers, based purely on the information given in the credit application form. Your application score is based on the following information, which must be submitted with the application: Full name. Address. Phone number.

Is NMU open for 2025 applications? ›

Prospective undergraduate, postgraduate and international students who wish to join Nelson Mandela University in 2025 are invited to apply online as from April 2024.

What are the minimum requirements for Nelson Mandela University? ›

  • Admissions Point Score of 32.
  • Minimum NSC requirements for Diploma entry must be met.
  • English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) on at least NSC Level 4 (50-59%).
  • NSC achievement rating of at least Level 3 (40-49%) for Mathematics or 5 (60%-69%) for Mathematical Literacy.

Is it hard to get into NMU? ›

For every 100 applicants, 71 are admitted. This means the school is lightly selective. The school will have their expected requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores. If you meet their requirements, you're almost certain to get an offer of admission.

How is admission rate calculated? ›

Schools calculate acceptance rates by dividing the number of accepted students by the total number that applied. Among all the students who apply, some have a 99% chance of acceptance, while others have less than a 1% chance.

How is grade point average calculated in South Africa? ›

Once you've converted all your marks, add them all together and then divide them by how many separate marks you have to find your GPA on a 4.0 scale.

What is the difference between WRS score and APS score in South Africa? ›

Calculation Method: The WRS score is calculated by multiplying a student's subject grades by the respective weightings assigned to those subjects and summing the results, while the APS score is calculated by simply adding up the point values assigned to a student's subject grades.

How is NMU applicant score calculated? ›

Your Applicant Score (AS) is calculated using six NSC 20-credit subjects. Please note that Life Orientation (LO) is excluded as it is only a 10-credit NSC subject. Write down your Grade 12 subjects and your most recent exam results obtained in each subject (NO Gr 12 March results).

How to calculate class mark in NMU? ›

The Class mark is comprised of 80% Formal Assessment mark and 20% Informal assessments. The informal assessments consist of 5% from class exercises and class tests and 15% from assignments and practicals. The formal assessment mark is comprised 100% from the two semester tests.

What is the average GPA for NMU? ›

The average GPA at Northern Michigan University is 3.4. This makes Northern Michigan University Moderately Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

How do you calculate assignment score? ›

Multiply your grades by the percentage each assignment is worth. Add them up and divide by the percentage of the completed work. For example, if you've completed 4 assignments that are worth a total of 60% of the grade, multiply your score by 60.

How do you calculate admission percentage? ›

Step 1: Divide the obtained marks by the maxim marks of the test. Step 2: Multiply the result by 100. Go through the example given below to understand the process of finding the percentage of marks.

What is application point score? ›

Your Admission Points Score (APS) is a measure of your performance in your National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination as it relates to the requirements for a particular programme to which you may apply.


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