Visible Supply Chain Fulfillment  - SCM Insight (2024)

Fulfillment and supply chain solutions play a significant role in the growth of successful businesses. The process of visible supply chain fulfillment is necessary for developing an effective customer service experience. Today, we’ll discuss visible supply chain fulfillment; its definition, key elements involved, benefits, and examples.

The growth and success of your company are heavily reliant on how well you perform various operations of your business ranging from product sourcing to delivery. In order to deal with complicated modern logistical problems, visible supply chain fulfillment offers you both transparent and efficient solutions for moving your business forward.

What is Visible Supply Chain Fulfillment?

Visible supply chain fulfillment is the method of analyzing and tracking goods and products from production and manufacturing facilities to the delivery of customers. VSCF helps businesses and companies to make informed and data-driven decisions based on the existing and right information. However, the visibility of the SC process makes the system efficient by offering estimated arrival time and product location in real-time. It allows you to decrease the inventory cost while improving the delivery time and customer satisfaction level.

Visible SCF offers a lot of benefits to your business in terms of saving costs. It helps companies to quickly respond to the customer market needs and requirements. If businesses have access to the data in real-time, it allows them to make adjustments in their operations and quickly respond to market changes. Most importantly, VSCF decreases the human errors that happen throughout the process, and it ensures timely product delivery.

Statistical Facts about VSCF

Visible SC fulfillment allows businesses and companies to decrease the relevant associated costs like delayed delivery or lost time. According to an estimate by CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management professional); visibility fulfillment saves roundabout 90% of the total cost. The visibility fulfillment also amplifies the order fulfillment time by 18%; and decreases the outbound inventory cost by 20%. It means higher profitability and improved customer satisfaction levels.

Key Elements of Visible SC Fulfillment

Some of the key elements of visible supply chain fulfillment are as follows;

Cargo Location

The critical part of supply chain visibility and transparency is to be aware of the location of goods at all times. You should trace your goods from the point of your production facility to the final destination of customers. RFID tags or GPRS devices can help you in the tracking of goods.

Cost & Rate

You should be aware of the transportation cost that you are employing in order to maintain SC visibility and transparency. It comprises labor cost, fuel cost, and shipping cost. When you have the proper information, then it helps you to make better decisions on how to efficiently move your products.

Auditing Record

Auditing your record would help you to improve the visibility of your SC network by informing you of the problematic areas, wasted products, and improvement needed areas. The data would help managers to recognize improvement needed areas to amplify the efficiency of the SC process. Auditing records also offer you a key insight into customer satisfaction levels.

SC Activities

It is significant to be aware of various activities that are happening in your SC network in order to maintain transparency. It comprises of inventory management, receiving, shipping, packaging, production, and manufacturing.

Inventory Optimization in Supply Chain

Benefits of Visible SC Fulfillment

Some of the main benefits of visible supply chain fulfillment are as follows;

End-to-end Transparency

Visible SCF streamlines various areas in the SC network and processes from procurement to the sale point. It lets you know when and where customers are purchasing your products. A centralized platform would recognize disruption in the supply chain, but also amplify operations from start to finish.

Simplified Data

The visible SCF helps companies move from their reliance on various Excel spreadsheets to a centralized and integrated system. Streamlining various processes and integrated systems would offer them simplified data.


The SC network of various companies is facing challenges like VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) due to the patch system work. VSCF allows companies to organize their various operational stages by coordinating their system into a single structure. In short, VSCF helps you to protect the profitability of your business, instead of changing the global market.

Real-time Results

Visible SCF helps businesses and companies analyze various areas of their SC network and processes. If any of the problems like product scarcity, new tariffs, or shipping delays break the chain, then the company would repair the broken chain.

Example of Visible SC Fulfillment


Amazon is the world’s leading e-commerce store and it employs RFID tags in its warehouses a great example of visible SCF. The tags help warehousing staff to monitor and track the stock and merchandise when it move into the warehousing facility. However, the company scans the tags while storing and moving the stock items. It becomes easier for the company to track inventory and make sure the delivery of the products is on time.

Conclusion: Visible Supply Chain Fulfillment

After an in-depth study of visible supply chain fulfillment; we have realized VSCF is highly significant for the growth and productivity of your business. If you are learning about visible SC fulfillment, then you should keep in mind the abovementioned elements, benefits, and examples.

Visible Supply Chain Fulfillment - SCM Insight (1)

Ahsan Ali Shaw

Ahsan is an accomplished researcher and has a deep insight in worldly life affairs. He goes Live 3 days a week on various social media platforms. Other than research writing, he’s a very interesting person.

Visible Supply Chain Fulfillment  - SCM Insight (2024)


What is visible supply chain fulfillment? ›

Visible supply chain fulfillment is a process that allows businesses to track and manage their entire supply chain from beginning to end. It is a way of increasing visibility into the entire supply chain process so that companies can monitor and control all aspects of their supply chain.

What is supply chain visibility in supply chain? ›

Supply chain visibility is the ability to track different goods and/or products in transit, giving a clear view of the inventory and activity. It enables shippers to improve customer service and cost controls through management of inventory in motion, proactive status updates, limiting disruptions and risk mitigation.

How to answer why did you choose supply chain management? ›

You should consider SCM as both a field of study and as a career because:
  1. It is in the “middle of everything” in a company.
  2. You can work for decades in SCM and still learn new things every day.
  3. It involves a wide and ever-broadening range of technologies.

How do you solve supply chain visibility? ›

How to Increase Supply Chain Visibility
  1. Map your supply chain network.
  2. Be proactive when sharing updates.
  3. Communicate often with suppliers.
  4. Offer shipping tracking.
  5. Provide real-time Shipping Updates.
  6. Partner With an Online Shopping Assistant.
  7. Gather Customer feedback.
Jan 25, 2024

What is fulfillment in SCM? ›

What is order fulfillment in supply chain management? It is the process of receiving goods, then processing and delivering orders to customers. The order fulfillment process starts with a customer placing an order and ends once they receive it.

What is the main objective of supply chain visibility? ›

The broad goal of SCV is to collect better information about supply chain operations, improve efficiency, reduce risk, boost customer satisfaction and increase profits.

How to crack an interview for supply chain management? ›

Supply chain management interview questions
  1. What is supply chain management? ...
  2. What would you do if your warehouse ran out of stock? ...
  3. Which skills are needed to be successful in supply chain management? ...
  4. Are you updated on current supply chain management trends? ...
  5. Do you have experience collaborating with overseas suppliers?
Mar 10, 2023

How do you introduce yourself in a supply chain interview? ›

Tell me about yourself and why we should hire you in this Supply Chain position? SUGGESTED ANSWER: “I have worked in supply chain for a number of years now and I feel the experiences I have gained have brought me to the position I am in today, where I am a perfect match for your company.

What makes you passionate about supply chain? ›

The challenge of optimizing and innovating in the supply chain to reduce costs, improve sustainability, and enhance customer satisfaction is incredibly rewarding and offers endless opportunities for problem-solving and growth.

How to measure supply chain visibility? ›

What are the key metrics and indicators to measure supply chain visibility and security performance?
  1. On-time delivery rate.
  2. Inventory accuracy. ...
  3. Shipment status visibility.
  4. Shipment security incidents. ...
  5. Customer satisfaction score. ...
  6. Supply chain visibility and security index. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Mar 24, 2023

What causes poor supply chain visibility? ›

The bottom line is, companies of all sizes struggle with a host of supply chain visibility challenges, such as:
  • Disparate management systems and siloed teams.
  • Lack of real-time data on supply chain operations.
  • Poor communication between supply chain stakeholders.
  • Unauthorized subcontracting and/or raw material sourcing.

How do you achieve end-to-end supply chain visibility? ›

How to Achieve End-to-End Supply-Chain Visibility? Enterprises can achieve end-to-end supply chain visibility by first defining their objectives. This, in turn, helps in selecting the appropriate technology. The third step is to put in place the right team.

What is visual supply chain? ›

Visualize your supply chain in style

It means you can realize any product design vision without compromising on the perfect look and feel, and make your visual supply chain tool stand out from the competition.

What does visible supply include? ›

Visible supply refers to the number of goods available to be bought or sold. In the context of commodities, visible supply includes commodities that are held in storage, loading docks, or transit. Visible supply reports can indicate future shortages or surpluses, which affect the future price.

What is the difference between supply chain visibility and supply chain transparency? ›

Although these terms sound similar, there is an important difference between supply chain transparency and supply chain visibility. In the simplest terms, visibility is internal, while transparency is external.

What is the most visible piece of the supply chain? ›

Physical Flows. Physical flows involve the transformation, movement, and storage of goods and materials. They are the most visible piece of the supply chain. But just as important are information flows.


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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.